is a registered and trade-marked term, created and owned by Rachell Hall Classic Beauty, that combines the unity of science, with technique, and aesthetics in restoring the natural appearance of the breast after mastectomy surgery by completing the reconstruction process with nipple/areola cosmeceutical re-pigmentation.
The nipples pictured on this page are a result of the expertise of Rachell Hall Breasthetics Clinic, and her trained and certified breastheticians.
Learn more about The Breasthetics Institute of America™.
Visit our Before and After Photo Gallery
What is Breasthetics?

With Breasthetics 3-D Nipple Tattoo
Combines unity of science, with technique and aesthetics
Celebrate your complete healing...

With over 20 years of experience in helping women through her artistry Rachell Hall is now offering training in her methods with the Breasthetics Institute of America curriculum. A training certification course recognized by PPIB for those wishing to specialize in oncology Breasthetics.
PPIB, Professional Program Insurance Brokers is the leader in insuring qualified clinicians in this new and rewarding paramedical specialty.
Through the medical experience of cancer, the loss of eyebrows and eyelashes become an issue of discomfort for the Patients/Clients we also offer services to ease this occurance.
Call for a consultation-1-800-343-3223
Learn more about how YOU can become a certified and insured Clinical Breasthetician™, and join our amazing Breathetics expert team.